Where did the Pulau Tikus name come from?

While George Town was illustriously named after King George III (1738-1820) of Great Britain, Pulau Tikus more enticingly means Mouse Island. According to the records of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, the place was first populated by Thai-Portuguese Catholics fleeing religious persecution in Phuket, Thailand in 1810 by the invading Burmese.

Dato' Dr. Anthony E. Sibert, one of only a few Eurasians left living in the area, told Penang Monthly in 2015 that these early residents of Pulau Tikus arrived on sampans and crossed dunes on the beach that looked like a string of mice – hence, Mouse Island.

Read full article here: https://penangmonthly.com/article/20442/walk-zone-pulau-tikus-penangs-most-liveable-district


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